What Pulse Tells Us about the Experiences of Asian Americans 和 Pacific Isl和er Coloradans

Our commitment to listening through Pulse: 365bet官网中文登陆 Poll includes seeking out the priorities, 对我们日益增长和多样化的亚太裔人口的关注和希望.

Asian Americans 和 Pacific Isl和ers (AAPI) make up around 4% of the folks who call Colorado home, 而且中国的人口还在不断增长. Our commitment to listening through Pulse: 365bet官网中文登陆 Poll includes seeking out the priorities, 对我们日益增长和多样化的亚太裔人口的关注和希望.

“亚太地区”是一个广义的术语, 包括那些认为自己是中国人的人, 日本, 韩语和越南语, 以及菲律宾人, 印度和南亚. 亚太地区的每个社区都有自己独特的历史, 信仰, 价值观和生活经历. Each community contributes tremendously to Colorado – socially, culturally 和 economically. 太频繁了, 这些社区的身份被排除在国家的故事之外, 导致研究减少, 来自决策者和其他掌权者的资源和关注.

Pulse是加深对AAPI科罗拉多人了解的一种方式. 通过脉冲, 2021年8月, we interviewed 143 Coloradans who identified as Asian American or Pacific Isl和er. 感谢帮助我们传播Pulse的社区合作伙伴, 我们有机会采访更多的亚太裔科罗拉多人, 从而获得更大更多样化的样本, 比去年多. 而我们本想和更多的亚太裔成年人交谈, 这么多的采访让我们有信心分享我们学到的东西. 以下是我们听到的部分内容:


The rhetoric 和 misinformation surrounding the origins of the COVID-19 p和emic fueled an intensified wave of anti-Asian hate 和 violence across the country. 自2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,针对亚太裔的仇恨犯罪有所增加 近150%, 和 3800起反亚洲事件 在全国范围内都有报道. In 2021, a majority (51%) of Pulse’s AAPI respondents considered racial bias 和 discrimination to be a very serious problem facing Colorado.

如果不承认这种暴力,我们就无法谈论COVID-19, 然而,这只是亚太裔科罗拉多人受到疫情影响的一种方式. 在经济上,许多亚太裔受访者都在苦苦挣扎. 在去年, 超过四分之一(27%)的人的工作时间和/或工资都减少了, 14%的人被解雇. 展望未来, 17%的亚裔科罗拉多人担心付不起房租或抵押贷款, 18%的人担心他们将无法足够养活家人.

AAPI科罗拉多, 还有我们州的每个人, will undoubtedly feel the financial impacts of the coronavirus p和emic for years to come. Almost seven in 10 (69%) AAPI科罗拉多 say harm to the economy caused by the coronavirus is a very serious problem, 和 they want state government to do something about it: 79% support increasing government spending on programs to stimulate jobs 和 economic growth.


在过去的18个月中, 因为COVID-19大流行已经触及了我们所有人的生活, 对健康和幸福的担忧变得更加突出. 对许多亚裔科罗拉多人来说, accessing 和 affording quality health care is both a present challenge 和 a significant concern expected to continue in the next year.

去年,37%的亚太裔受访者推迟了医疗或牙科护理. One reason why may be cost: three in four (75%) AAPI科罗拉多 consider the cost of health care to be a very serious problem, 34%的人担心他们, 或者是他们家里的人, 明年就要没有医疗保险了吗. 除了对负担能力的担忧, many AAPI科罗拉多 are skeptical about whether our state’s health care system will treat them fairly: 48% think they’re more likely than 白色 Coloradans to receive poor quality or inadequate health care.

以及对医疗负担能力和质量的担忧, a majority of AAPI科罗拉多 also report they have experienced challenges to their mental well-being, 比如焦虑(63%)和过度担忧(53%). 许多人难以集中注意力(49%), 悲伤或失去亲人(44%), 抑郁症(39%)和与家人和朋友联系困难(35%). 与此同时, only 34% of AAPI科罗拉多 who reported mental health strain in the last year talked with a health professional about it.

AAPI respondents want Colorado’s state government to take action to improve access to affordable health care: 96% support changing regulations to make health insurance 和 medical expenses more affordable – higher than any other racial or ethnic group – 和 87% support providing more state-funded mental health 和 substance use services.


在全国范围内, 在科罗拉多州, 亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民受到模范少数族裔神话的伤害, a false narrative based on stereotypes that pit communities of color against one another. As 莎拉·索林·布莱克本写道这个神话把亚裔美国人描述成一个有礼貌的人, law-abiding group who have achieved a higher level of success than the general population through some combination of innate talent 和 ‘pull-yourselves-up-by-your-bootstraps’ immigrant striving.”

2021年脉冲数据显示了这一神话持续存在的证据. We asked respondents of all racial 和 ethnic backgrounds if they thought Asian American Coloradans were more or less likely to experience unfair treatment compared to 白色 Coloradans. What we learned is Coloradans are much less likely to believe Asian Americans face unfair treatment, 与白种人和其他有色人种相比. 然而,亚太裔受访者 do perceive people like themselves are more likely to experience unfair treatment in police interactions 和 housing.







和白人科罗拉多人相比, do you think Asian American Coloradans are more likely or less likely to experience the following...















西班牙/ Latinx

























































The notion that Asian Americans are more privileged is prevalent across Coloradans of all ethnicities. 模范少数民族神话  隆起的亚太裔科罗拉多人. 事实上, the prevalence of this false narrative divides our communities 和 distracts us from the work needed to disrupt 和 challenge the ways in which AAPI folks are not treated fairly in our institutions 和 culture. The 2021 Pulse data is a reminder that dismantling structural racism starts with telling a more complete 和 accurate story of AAPI科罗拉多’ lived experiences 和 perspectives.


These data from Pulse represent just a piece of what we heard when we asked Asian Americans 和 Pacific Isl和ers about their worries, 经验和优先事项. There is far too little research conducted with AAPI科罗拉多 和 too incomplete an underst和ing of these multi-faceted communities.

我们邀请您使用我们的 交互式脉冲仪表盘 to dig deeper into the data 和 learn how AAPI respondents answered each 和 every question we asked.

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